At Kanawha Stone Company, we have seen in our four decades of experience how a collaborative approach can drive success forward. Through our Integrated Project Delivery approach, we align objectives with the design team, to eliminate pinch points and the potential for difficulties, while we are still in the preconstruction phase of the project. By offering input on construction means and methods, and offering alternatives and solutions to problems before we hit the ground, we can ensure project success while in the planning process.

Everything we do at Kanawha Stone Company utilizes the principles of IPD to an extent, even when it is not formally part of the contract. At the heart of our company is the idea of collaboration and cooperation – it shouldn’t need to be written on paper. Understanding the vision of the design team, and understanding the priorities of the owner, as well as being mindful of schedule and budget demands, are part of every project we undertake.

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Refinery Site Development

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Site Development

Smart, integrated project delivery drives creative solutions and forward-thinking design.

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50 MW Solar Farm

Where We Work



Tom Kittredge

“The shared investment that is part of the IPD approach makes sure we are all working in the same direction.”

Tom Kittredge, PMP
CEO & President

Project Spotlight

The Summit Bechtel Reserve